Thursday, June 2, 2011


You've watched some online content about waste, consumerism, and sustainability...

What did you watch (title/url)? What did you think of what you watched? What did you learn?

pic from dump community in Managua


  1. For this assignment I have watched "Dianna Cohen: Tough truths about plastic pollution."Link:

    It was definitely an interesting video on the topic of improper disposal of our waste, specifically plastics. I've learned about how common it is to see waste simply dumped in marine environments rather than being properly recycled/disposed. I have also learned that it is not important to clean up this waste, rather than prevent it from being dumped in the first place.

  2. I watched "The Story of Bottled Water" and was quite shocked by what I learned. I found out that the bottled water industry is a complete joke; it started when soft drink corporations wanted to make more money and created a scheme to make people frightened of drinking the water from taps, what people had drank for years. Unfortunately, people still believe this and continue to pump millions of unneeded bottles into the system, making our planet a garbage dump.

  3. I watched the Story of Cap and Trade. It was biased in some respects and I found it overly simple, but very informative. It pointed out some of the big problems with the system, which are cheating on carbon output credits, carbon credits being given away for free to major polluters, and distraction from what can be done on a national level. Personally, I believe that international binding agreements cannot be successful until the membre countries have already put federal regulations and penalties in place and are enforcing them.

  4. I watched "Capt. Charles Moore on the seas of plastic." It was interesting; instead of just talking statistics, he gave visual examples of what he was trying to get across. The video showed how our consumerism hurts the environment. The waste that has accumulated, is making it's way across the ocean. The garbage is hurting animals, as well as human. He goes on to say that the only way to fix this problem is not by undoing what we did in the ocean, but to stop with all the waste products.

  5. I watched the story of electronics, and I agree with the idea of take back and how electonics aren't very sustainable or last very long. however I think it will take a while before companies build longer lasting recyclable electronics.

  6. I watched a video of "Where Our Stuff Comes From". It showed how we obtain our resources, process it in factories, and get to the consumer. It was against how people get products from industries. One thing that really stuck with me was that the video talked about how industrial nations use up their land resources and then move on to third world countries. Even though this video kept on putting industrial practices down, they did not once talk about how many jobs, or the low prices and number of products made the that come out from industrial goods. When it comes down to it all, this video made me realize that we should change our industrial practices.

    PS: I watched the video last week, but I couldn't find it. This video is simular, so I'll just post it.


    This clip talks about the effects of E- waste. How is effects the air and the environment. How the issue is getting worse because society is growing in demand for electronics
    by : shante

  8. i love taking it in the ass

  9. Honestly, i havent really watched any of these videos, but the pollution rate in the world is ridiculous, and all just based pretty much on carelessness and greed. i think personally we should instead of being focused on who has more oil and stuff like that, and instead focus on how to minimize damage to the environment, and in turn all of the ecosystems and organisms, even if we find them disgusting in appearance or in some other way, we should be focusing on preserving life, not destroying it. this stuff needs to end
